Laura was born in Catania, Italy, on May 25th, 1990.
She was defined as a woman with a suitcase always in her hand Europe, South America, Middle East. Usa. Traveling and wandering is a great part of her Art production.

And now her new adventures is INDIA. She studied as Architect, and worked as one at the international firm Miralles Tagliabue based in Barcelona, Spain.

Before that worked in Hamburg in the Emergency Architecture field, building and designing for refugees and homeless at the studio Plan-R.

In the 2022 Laura won a prize, with her design for the Women’s Pavilion Architecture Competition at Volume Zero.

She is running an Art Gallery in Barcelona in order to give ground to for emergents Artists.

She is a painter and uses Abstract Art combine with Acrylics to express her innerself, in a rough savage and energetic way. She’s a volcano.

And as a volcano she feels that her fertility & her Art is a mission to change society, or just inspiring people especially Women to empower themselves and take real action.

The collection “We buy our own flowers now” (Originally named “Las flores ya nos las regalamos noso- tras” is a colletion for Women Empowerment. Made up of 15 50x70cm coloured different pieces.

Currently she is based in Barcelona, Spain, where she is an Art resident at La Madriguera, the atelier of well known painter Paula Bonet.

Photo: The Artist with a brush during the shooting of the Flowers Collection.




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